Update your home with beautiful hardwood flooring from Soft Touch Designs. We install and refinish hardwood floors for all sizes of homes. Contact Soft Touch Designs today to discuss the vision for your home! Call our professional team today at (406) 656-3613!
Having new hardwood floors installed begins with an appointment to deliver the wood and let it acclimatize in its new surroundings. Rooms need operable electric lights and 110 power outlets. Doors and windows must be installed and the heating system working. All carpet, nails, staples, tack strip, plaster, and glue should be removed from the floor. Furniture and appliances need to be taken out of the work area.
Wood, as a natural product, can have variations beyond our control that may not produce a work of perfection but still one of lasting quality. We are working in a house, not a dust-free booth of a furniture factory. Imperfections such as an eyelash, floor brush bristles, insects, or a small bit of grit may appear in the finish and are beyond our ability to control. Also, please note that our machines are engineered to get as close as possible to existing base shoe or baseboards, and this may cause nicks or scratch marks on these boards. These are unforeseen and could entail touchups on the customer’s part. Wood may raise slightly in a small area after finishing. Wood also expands and contracts with changes in temperature and humidity. Going through a heating cycle over several seasons can cause movement of the wood and is part of the floor. We strongly recommend the use of a home humidifier added to your central heating system. It will greatly help stabilize the home’s humidity. This will help keep your floor from drying out in the winter months. Linseed oil putty can help fill minor cracks that appear and come in colors to match your floor.
You can also expect some dust. We have a ventilation system, and we can Visqueen off normal-size door openings, but this will not completely eliminate dust accumulation. We use painter’s tape but cannot guarantee tape from removing paint. People, pets (including fish), and plants need to be removed from the house. Fireplaces need to be free from ashes. Mail drops need to be securely taped shut. Edibles are best covered or kept refrigerated. All soft goods need to be covered or removed, such as draperies, blinds, upholstered furniture, lampshades, pillows, etc. Special items such as computers or sound equipment do not do well in the dust and should be removed. Pianos or any wood furniture should not be covered with Visqueen but a drop cloth that can breathe. Please refer to your piano dealer or tuner to offer advice on removing or repairing your instrument to do well through the sanding and finishing.
Prep work such as floor cleaning can be contracted in advance with us at an hourly rate; just talk to your estimator. Baseboards should be installed after the flooring is installed and finished. Sometimes it is impossible to avoid marks on walls from machines or cords, and the homeowner/contractor will need to do some touch-up painting. Give us a call at (406) 656-3613 to learn more.
Phone: (406) 656-3613
Address: 2212 S 48th Street West, Billings MT 59106